Rev. Velo McCurley & Glennschella Taylor
are missionaries serving with Africa Inland Mission, (AIM).
AIM is an evangelical Christian mission agency dedicated to the establishment of CHRIST-CENTERD CHURCHES AMONG ALL AFRICAN PEOPLES.
The Taylors presented their work Sunday Morning June 2, 2013 to Berean Baptist and we were blessed beyond words by the ministry and testimony of this seasoned couple. Please pray for them and contact them to encourage and, if God lays it on your heart help them as they make a difference in Africa. Pastor Lilly
The Taylors served in Mozambique Africa from 1999-2012 in ministries to local churches using Theological Education by Extension, (TEE). Students from twelve locations representing 15 evangelical churches were strengthened through this Theological Program which allowed students to study at home without leaving their villages, families and gardens. The Taylors traveled to various villages weekly, meeting in cell groups for discussion and further in-depth Bible teaching. Along with TEE for men, literacy classes were created for women in their local language so that they too could study God’s precious Word.
The focus and drive of the Taylors' ministry is to fulfill the mandate of 2 Timothy 2:2, “The things that thou has heard, commit to faithful men (and women) who shall be able to teach others also.” After 13 years of ministry in Mozambique some of the senior students are equipped, functioning and carrying the Gospel torch. Thus the Taylors are free to take up a new AIM assignment of leadership in the country of Namibia, which is located between South Africa and Angola. Focuses will be on unreached people groups; the Hemba and the San (Bushman), who are nomadic desert dwellers. Responsible for short term medical workers and member care of AIM missionaries will be some of the Taylors' ministries. Also to oversee ministries to youth, who are more than fifty percent of the population. Another goal is to encourage local churches to their responsibility toward the unreached.
The target date to arrive in Namibia is August of 2013 for a three year term. In preparation for this new ministry with AIM the Taylors are in need of prayer and financial partners. If you would like to become a monthly partner with us please contact us at [email protected] or 317-989-1778 cell, 812-909-1371 home. We would be glad to show you or your church a presentation of the work in Mozambique and Namibia. Pray that the Taylor’s monthly financial target would be met so that those in need of the Gospel in Namibia could be met.
To learn more about Africa Inland Mission please visit www.aimint.org, to watch the four minute video “The Heart of Missions” choose, US office, then the video on the bottom right.
Formerly the Taylors ministered along the Amazon River of Brazil with New Tribes Mission for twenty years, 1977-1997. They have two adult children: Lishawna of Kokomo, Indiana and Keva who resides with her husband Gabriel Rop in Indianapolis Indiana. McCurley is from Barbados and Glennschella is from Evansville Indiana.
We remain yours,
Together In the Harvest,
McCurley and Glennschella Taylor
c/o Africa Inland Mission, P.O. Box 3611
Peachtree City, GA 30269-7611 Tel. 800-254-0010
are missionaries serving with Africa Inland Mission, (AIM).
AIM is an evangelical Christian mission agency dedicated to the establishment of CHRIST-CENTERD CHURCHES AMONG ALL AFRICAN PEOPLES.
The Taylors presented their work Sunday Morning June 2, 2013 to Berean Baptist and we were blessed beyond words by the ministry and testimony of this seasoned couple. Please pray for them and contact them to encourage and, if God lays it on your heart help them as they make a difference in Africa. Pastor Lilly
The Taylors served in Mozambique Africa from 1999-2012 in ministries to local churches using Theological Education by Extension, (TEE). Students from twelve locations representing 15 evangelical churches were strengthened through this Theological Program which allowed students to study at home without leaving their villages, families and gardens. The Taylors traveled to various villages weekly, meeting in cell groups for discussion and further in-depth Bible teaching. Along with TEE for men, literacy classes were created for women in their local language so that they too could study God’s precious Word.
The focus and drive of the Taylors' ministry is to fulfill the mandate of 2 Timothy 2:2, “The things that thou has heard, commit to faithful men (and women) who shall be able to teach others also.” After 13 years of ministry in Mozambique some of the senior students are equipped, functioning and carrying the Gospel torch. Thus the Taylors are free to take up a new AIM assignment of leadership in the country of Namibia, which is located between South Africa and Angola. Focuses will be on unreached people groups; the Hemba and the San (Bushman), who are nomadic desert dwellers. Responsible for short term medical workers and member care of AIM missionaries will be some of the Taylors' ministries. Also to oversee ministries to youth, who are more than fifty percent of the population. Another goal is to encourage local churches to their responsibility toward the unreached.
The target date to arrive in Namibia is August of 2013 for a three year term. In preparation for this new ministry with AIM the Taylors are in need of prayer and financial partners. If you would like to become a monthly partner with us please contact us at [email protected] or 317-989-1778 cell, 812-909-1371 home. We would be glad to show you or your church a presentation of the work in Mozambique and Namibia. Pray that the Taylor’s monthly financial target would be met so that those in need of the Gospel in Namibia could be met.
To learn more about Africa Inland Mission please visit www.aimint.org, to watch the four minute video “The Heart of Missions” choose, US office, then the video on the bottom right.
Formerly the Taylors ministered along the Amazon River of Brazil with New Tribes Mission for twenty years, 1977-1997. They have two adult children: Lishawna of Kokomo, Indiana and Keva who resides with her husband Gabriel Rop in Indianapolis Indiana. McCurley is from Barbados and Glennschella is from Evansville Indiana.
We remain yours,
Together In the Harvest,
McCurley and Glennschella Taylor
c/o Africa Inland Mission, P.O. Box 3611
Peachtree City, GA 30269-7611 Tel. 800-254-0010